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BAS solution has a strong buffering capacity, which allows uranium to be stripped from the organic via a de-protonation mechanism and neutralises the acid generated during uranyl peroxide precipitation with hydrogen peroxide. A provisional patent has been lodged. It is an alternative to using ammonia or strong acid and offers the following advantages:
Natural pH of solution ranges from 3.2 – 3.7 with high buffering capacity
Stripping chemistry via de-protonation – BAS replaces ammonia
High precipitation efficiency
Relatively pure yellow cake produced (70% U, 0.33% Al)
The process operates using a solution containing basic aluminium sulfate (BAS). Aluminium sulfate reacts with a base to form stable, soluble hydrolysis products at concentrations equivalent to 2M hydroxide. BAS solution has strong buffering capacity, which allows uranium to be stripped from the organic via a de-protonation mechanism, and neutralises the acid generated during uranyl peroxide precipitation with hydrogen peroxide.
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